Frequently Asked Questions
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Are there schools like Wondergarten near me?
Likely, yes! Wondergarten is inspired by Waldorf education and the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner. There are Waldorf schools all over the world. Look tosee if there are any near you!
Will you be expanding to new locations?
Unfortunately, no. Wondergarten will remain a unique offering to the south Puget Sound area in Washington State. However, we do have plans to share more content and curriculum for those interested in starting something similar.
What is Waldorf Education?
Waldorf is an approach to education founded by the Austrian philosopher, Rudolf Steiner, in the early twentieth century. With over 100-years of its own history and culture, Waldorf schools have become a global phenomenon that have changed the way we look at childhood development.
What curriculum does Wondergarten use?
We have developed our own unique curriculum founded upon our very own children's stories, titled: The Gnomes of Wondergarten. Each week, we tell a new story about the four gnomes, paired with original songs, movements, crafts, and illustrations to enrich lives of our children.
Is there a waiting list?
We currently have a large amount a families interested in enrolling their children at Wondergarten, but we do not have a wait list program Enrollment at Wondergarten is not a first-come, first-serve basis. Instead, we assess each child only at the age they will be applying.
Will you publish your stories & curriculum?
Yes! That's the plan. But there is a lot work to be done before our content is ready to be formally published. Of course, we will leak out small bits here and there as we make progress, so be sure stay tuned for the latest updates!
I want to start my own in-home preschool. Can you share how you got started?
We are hopping to share our journey in more detail through future video content. Stay tuned!