3-Day Program | Wed, Thurs, & Fri
4-6 Years Old
8 Children
3 Days / week
Wed, Thurs, & Fri
8:30 am - 12:00 pm (3.5 hrs)
$450 / Month
$4,600 Annually
(Fees included)
2023 - 2024
Important Dates
First / Last Day
Begins - Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Ends - Thursday, May 23, 2024
Holiday Breaks
Thanksgiving - November 21-23, 2023
Christmas Break - December 19, 2023 - January 4, 2024
Mid-Winter Break - February 20-22, 2024
Spring Break - April 2-4, 2024
Age Policy
Wondergarten is a program designed for children between ages 4-6 years old.
Children must be 4-years-old by September 1st of the school year. If your child is 6 turning 7, they must be 6-years-old for the duration of the school year.
Potty & Diapering
Children need to be completely potty independent before
enrolling into Wondergarten.
Allergies & Dietary Restrictions
Wondergarten is an in-home program, which means we are not an allergen-free facility. Snacks provided may include, or come in contact with, or be prepared on surfaces, that are exposed to common allergens, including: wheat, dairy, eggs, peanuts and tree nuts.
We are also home to a cat who will remain upstairs for the duration of the program, but any serious cat allergies should be carefully considered.
We are currently unable to accommodate any severe allergies or dietary restrictions to the following foods in our early childhood program:
Wheat, Gluten, Dairy, Eggs
Any other minor allergies or dietary restrictions may be able to be accommodated on a case by case basis. Please be sure to list any concerns regarding dietary restrictions in final your application.
If an accommodation is to be made, an additional fee of up to $50/month may be applied to cover the additional time and potential costs required to make specific accommodations.
Wondergarten is a “non-academic” program. Instead, we are focusing on creating a rich and memorable childhood through good and beautiful experiences. Our approach to language development is a whole language approach, which lays the foundation of pre-reading skills.
We will be surrounding the child with rich oral language through songs, verses, and stories. We will not be covering the alphabet or teaching children to read or write.
In the event of sickness or emergency within the Wondergarten family or staff, we will reserve the right to take up to 4 “sick day” closures with no reimbursement. Any additional closures will incur a daily tuition credit rate of $50 per day, credited to your Brightwheel account.
Inclement Weather Closure
Wondergarten will refer to the Puyallup School District for guidelines on closure due to inclement weather, but ultimately, we will make our own decision on inclement weather closures. Snow and weather closures are non-refundable and will not incur a tuition credit.
Sickness Policy
In order to attend Wondergarten, your child must be:
Free of any fever for 24-hours
Free of any vomiting for 24-hours
If your child is exhibiting any symptoms (runny nose, cough, sneezing, etc.) Please alert us to discuss severity to determine if your child is well enough to attend program that day. Please use your own discretion, while being respectful to limit the spread of germs to our household and the rest of the children in class.
Wondergarten uses Force of Nature natural vinegar-based cleaner to clean and sanitize all hard surfaces.
Pick-up & Drop-Off
Drop-off: 8:30am - 9:00am
Pickup: 11:30am - 12:00pm
Pickup and Drop off windows will be 30-minutes at the beginning and end of program start and end time. Doors will be closed until 8:30am and will close again after 12:00pm.
Sign in & Sign out for your child will be managed through Brightwheel.
Statement of Beliefs
Approach to Education
Wondergarten is inspired by the Waldorf method of education, based on the philosophies of Rudolf Steiner. Both Lisa and Karen have attended training under LifeWays North America, which upholds the Waldorf approach as it pertains to the young child.
However, we do not consider ourselves a “strictly” Waldorf program, and there will be portions of our program that do not adhere to typical Waldorf curriculums or philosophies, and we will remain flexible to Waldorf methods at our own discretion.
Religious Beliefs
Wondergarten operates out of a Christian home & worldview. Although we will not be teaching any Christian doctrine or biblical stories in our curriculum, our faith will be evident in the songs & stories we have written, the blessings we say before snacks, and through our reverence for God, who we believe created the Earth and the children placed in our care.
Holidays & Festivals
We will be celebrating Christian holidays as a part of the festivals in our program, to include Christmas and Easter, as well as other traditional Waldorf festivals, such as Martinmas, Candlemas, and May Day.
However, there are instances where we have chosen to slightly deviate from traditional Waldorf or popular culture celebrations.
Within the classroom, we do not focus on the events or symbolism which may be associated with each holiday, but instead, our approach to focus on the food, crafts, and traditions; and in general, what the celebration represents (i.e. Generosity, Love, Courage, New Life, etc.).
We do not expect or require all families enrolled to be practicing Christians, or to share our beliefs, however we do require an acknowledgment of the beliefs that we hold, and an agreement to respect our freedom to practice those beliefs within our own home
and in own program.